Looking at the world of boxing from a palooka’s point of view

Will the Real UFC Welterweight Champ Stand Up.

What are the things that have happened to boxing?

Is it the disappearance of boxing from free television? Is it the multitude of champions? Well countless articles have been written about this, so I won’t start here, but guess what? I think MMA is starting to catch some of the diseases. 

 I just read on that Georges St. Pierre will be facing Matt Hughes for the interim welterweight belt. To most fighters, whether MMA or boxers, having a belt means recognition as the best in your weight class. So what does having an interim belt mean? Does that mean that  there are two fighters who are the best in their weight class?

Boxing has been guilty of having interim champions for years and it has been a bad idea. The championship is diluted. So now on December 29th, either GSP or Matt Hughes will walk out interim champ. While back in New Jersey somewhere Matt Serra will still be holding the real welterweight championship, but fans preception will be split among both.

It sickens me. MMA as an organized  fighting sport is fairly new. I hope they learn from all the mistakes their older cousin has made.

Picture by Josh Hedges

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