Looking at the world of boxing from a palooka’s point of view

The Chinese Are Coming! The Chinese Are Coming!

The sleeping Eastern Dragon is now awakening, with one breakthrough in boxing after another.

In the 2004 Athens Olympics, there were five Chinese boxers qualified for the Games. Shiming Zou was the only boxer to win a medal, and he broke China’s Olympic boxing medal drought by capturing one bronze. Apart from Zou another boxer in the 81kg division who qualified for the quarterfinal.

In the 2005 World Boxing Championship, Shiming Zou was crowned the 48kg champion and grabbed the first world amateur boxing gold medal for China, with three other compatriots making it to the last eight.

Two years later, at the recently concluded World Boxing Championships in Chicago, China reaped one gold, four bronze and seven “Olympic tickets.” Nine out of eleven Chinese boxers cruised to the eighth-final and seven to the quarterfinal, reaching a historical height in the total number of medals and Olympic boxing qualifiers.

Read the rest of the article at Boxing Times

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