Looking at the world of boxing from a palooka’s point of view

Well I Guess I Don’t Know Everything.

Virgill Hill was WBA Cruiserweight Champion?

I guess he must have been as Firat Arslan became the new champion last night via unanimous decision. According to Fight, Arslan landed fewer, but much more effective punches than the 43 year-old Hill. Hill by the way still wants to keep on trucking.The new champ is no spring chicken himself either. He is 37 years old and has been fighting professionally since 1997. He is 28-3-1. I looked it at up on, because I know nothing about boxing apparently. In other fight news, somebody named Erdei beat another fighter named Mendoza, and that fight was apparently for the the WBOand linear light heavyweight title of the world.

You know sometimes I feel like I putz. I think I am a boxing expert and I watch it regularly, but I had no idea Hill was still champion and who the hell is Erdei? No disrespect to these fighters by the way.

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